

Dave Deisley, JD


Dave’s interest in raptors began as a teenager growing up in Pennsylvania when his mother insisted that their family visit Hawk Mountain. Once Dave moved to Utah in 1980, he began to take notice of the many raptors, especially Red-tailed Hawks and Golden Eagles, living in the mountains and deserts that he enjoyed exploring. However, Dave did not seek to improve his identification skills at that time. Fortunately, he and his wife Janet were successful bidders on an HWI fundraising event that allowed them to spend a memorable morning with Jerry Liguori watching migrating raptors from Grandeur Peak. Jerry’s extraordinary identification talents and deep passion for raptors inspired their reacquaintance with HawkWatch International. Upon Dave’s retirement, he began as a volunteer monitoring nest boxes as part of HawkWatch International’s ongoing research into the status of American Kestrels. Dave shares that thanks to the monitoring program and other HWI events and activities, his awareness of raptors has expanded, his ability to identify raptors has improved, and his appreciation for all birds has been deeply enriched.

Favorite Raptor: American Kestrel

Dave’s Commitment to Conservation

  • Member of the HWI Board Governance Committee
  • CARES Volunteer

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