Kirsten Elliott

In Search of What is Hard to Find: Updates from the 2022 GRRC Grant Awardees

Raptors can be elusive animals to work with, and even more so when researching Endangered and understudied species. Our awardees have been hard at work playing their own game of “Where’s Waldo” with their study species. Whether it be trying to observe owls in hard-to-access field sites or getting vultures to reveal their breeding locations,

In Search of What is Hard to Find: Updates from the 2022 GRRC Grant Awardees Read More »

Why Maintaining Nest Boxes is Important

Each year, our team at HawkWatch International, including our volunteer community scientists, monitors around 100 pairs of nesting kestrels that use boxes in our network of 500+ in northern Utah, Moscow/Pullman area, and Tucson, Arizona. This effort is part of an ongoing long-term demographic study that includes data from 800+ nesting attempts and over 2,600

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