Kirsten Elliott

Cool Sightings at the Grand Canyon

Greetings from the Grand Canyon HawkWatch crew!  Our second week of migration started out rough last weekend with powerful southerly winds maxing above 30 km/hour.  Unfavorable conditions persisted until Wednesday when the winds finally shifted, and we had our biggest day of the season so far, with 62 migrant raptors passing observation, and we were full of […]

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Greetings from the Manzanos Crew

Greetings from the Land of Enchantment! Here in the Manzanos, we’re beginning the 30th consecutive season observing migrating raptors at the Manzano Mountains HawkWatch!  It’s been a great start thus far, aside from some wet weather. Some early season highlights include several immature Golden Eagles, an immature Northern Goshawk, a flurry of Ospreys, and some spectacular

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