
Ferruginous Away – Migration is on!

Raptor migration is in full swing, and nothing is more exciting than observing thousands of hawks headed toward their wintering grounds (or breeding grounds in the spring).  One North American raptor species we don’t often hear about during migration is the Ferruginous Hawk.  Although a few are observed each season among several of our sites, they […]

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HWI Awarded Prestigious Conservation Grant

HawkWatch International (HWI) has been awarded a prestigious Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA) grant to predict over which mountain ridges in the U.S. west raptors may migrate. The project will help ensure that potential new ridge-top developments, such as wind turbines, are situated in low-impact areas to avoid or minimize risk to sensitive species.

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Raptors and the Gulf Coast Oil Spill

Coverage of the recent Gulf Coast oil spill, a.k.a Deepwater Horizon, has overwhelmed our public discussions since it first started gushing from the ocean floor on April 20.  The initial explosion that set the tragedy in motion killed 11 platform workers and injured 17 others.  The Deepwater Horizon spill has surpassed in volume the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill 20 times

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