Commissary Ridge HawkWatch, WY

August 27 – November 5th
Daily 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Weather Permitting

About the Site

Each fall since 2002, HawkWatch International has counted every migrating raptor soaring past Commissary Ridge HawkWatch. After completing a survey of 26 locations across Wyoming, Commissary Ridge showed a higher overall volume and diversity of raptors and was by far the most accessible and logistically well-suited for a hawkwatch site. As the only standardized migration count site in the state—and much of the Rocky Mountain Flyway—the site provides invaluable data to our larger network of sites.

Long-term Raptor
Count Data

Total Hours Counting
Total Migrants Counted
Average Count/Year


The Site at a Glance

Our Partners

The Commissary Ridge HawkWatch would not be possible without the support of our partners. Thank you for investing in long-term raptor research, education, and conservation.

Join our Community of Raptor Conservationists

Curious what the crew is up to? Have questions about the local weather or the recent flight? Join our community of raptor conservationists in the Friends of Commissary Ridge Facebook Group!

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