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Hoot for the Moon

March 14 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm MST


Despite being perhaps some of the most charismatic creatures on the planet, we know surprisingly little about owls. Almost a decade ago, HawkWatch International set out to change that, studying cavity-nesting forest owls of the Wasatch Mountains in Utah and the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona.

Join us for an evening celebrating owl we’ve uncovered about owls during this time, and learn about the exciting things we’re hoping to discover in the coming years.

In addition to a short presentation from Dr. Dave Oleyar, Director of Long-term Monitoring & Community Science, you’ll have the chance to meet an owl up close and personal, alongside some of our other Raptor Ambassadors. Plus, we’ll have plenty of drinks and our favorite tasty tidbits from Tucson to share.

Click Here to RSVP

This event is free to attend, but we welcome contributions to support this critical conservation work. If you’d like to learn more about how you can shine on a light on the mysteries of forest owls, please contact Kirsten Elliott, Development & Communications Director, for more information. 


March 14
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm MST


Community Foundation of Southern Arizona
5049 E. Broadway Blvd, Suite 201
Tucson, AZ 85711 United States
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