Fidel Atuo is a wildlife biologist by training with a keen interest in the conservation of birds of prey. His journey into the intriguing world of North American raptors began at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Kempton, Pennsylvania in the fall of 2011. As an international intern/trainee, Fidel spent several hours each day counting raptors as they migrate through the Kittatinny ridge along the Appalachian Mountains and welcoming visitors to the mountain. Learning about the ecology of raptors during this time was in itself fascinating, but having the opportunity to share this knowledge with several visitors to the mountain many of whom have very little understanding of raptor ecology and the need for their conservation was absolutely fulfilling. As an educator and a wildlife researcher, Fidel is super proud of the incredible research and on-the-ground conservation work being carried by HawkWatch International across the globe to protect birds of prey and the ecosystems that supports them. As apex predators and wide-ranging species, raptors are good indicators of environmental change, and their conservation holds immense value for several other species down the trophic cascade. By protecting raptors, HWI is providing a better environment for all species including us (humans) and Fidel is humbled to be part of the organization.
Favorite Raptor: American Kestrel
Fidel’s Commitment to Conservation
- Member of the HWI Board Development Committee