Goshute Mountains HawkWatch, NV

August 15 – November 5
Daily 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Weather Permitting

About the Site

Sitting at 9,000 feet in northeastern Nevada, the Goshute Mountains HawkWatch is a historically significant site, as it is one of the longest-running standardized migration monitoring efforts in the West. Annual counts typically range between 10,000-25,000 migrants of up to 18 species, making this one of the largest concentrations of migrating raptors in the western U.S. and Canada. Every fall since 1980, we return to this site to collect long-term data to monitor the population health and trends of raptors so that we can determine their conservation needs accurately. 

Long-term Raptor
Count Data

Total Hours Counting
Total Migrants Counted
Average Count/Year


The Site at a Glance

Our Partners

The Goshute Mountains HawkWatch would not be possible without the support of our partners. Thank you for investing in long-term raptor research, education, and conservation.

Join our Community of Raptor Conservationists

Curious what the crew is up to? Have questions about the local weather or the recent flight? Join our community of raptor conservationists in the Friends of Goshute Mountains Facebook Group!

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