Commissary Ridge HawkWatch has become a cult favorite among our sites. This Wyoming site is less known than some of our other sites, but the crews and visitors who spend time at Commissary Ridge Hawkwatch are BIG fans. The count site features an easy walk up to the site and is a cool two-and-a-half hour drive from Salt Lake City, UT, and just shy of three from Jackson, WY. You can expect to see up to 17 species of raptors at the site and may even catch a kettle of Swainson’s Hawks!
So, who are the folks who will help you ID raptors at a distance along the ridge? Meet our fantastic crew of new and familiar faces.
Katelyn West
Katelyn is originally from Ontario, Canada, where she earned her Fish and Wildlife Technician diploma. Later on, as a practicing falconer, Katelyn discovered the ecological significance of wild raptors and moved to British Columbia to pursue adventures in raptor research and conservation. She has been working with raptors in numerous capacities for a decade. Katelyn has assisted with projects studying Northern Spotted Owls, Cooper’s Hawks, Northern Saw-whet Owls, Bald Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks, Rough-legged Hawks, Swainson’s Hawks, and even a raptor-like passerine: the Eastern Loggerhead Shrike. Katelyn’s favourite raptor is an Osprey, as she is an avid angler as well. Katelyn is excited to return to Wyoming, to be reunited with part of her HawkWatch International family, to throw on several layers and say a few prayers, and to fulfill the opportunity of leading the crew and the trapping blind—all while contributing to HawkWatch International’s conservation efforts!

Bob Fink
Bob grew up in Central Pennsylvania and now lives in Park City, UT. He has an engineering degree from Lehigh University and an MBA from the University of Utah. Bob is currently an Education Docent for HawkWatch International, which is quite fun and a great complement to being on the migration team. This will be his 2nd year at a migration site, as he was part of the Goshute Mountains HawkWatch crew last year. Bob is excitedly looking forward to further developing his migrations skills by working with the experienced Commissary Ridge crew and the talented HWI Staff. A passion of Bob’s is exploring remote wild areas on extended backpacking trips. After watching two Red-tailed Hawks grow up in view of his home this year, his favorite raptor is currently the Red-tailed Hawk.

Katherine (Rin) O’Connell
Rin is from the East Coast and graduated from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry with a BS in Wildlife Science. She spent the last few years working with Piping Plovers, Spotted Owls, California Condors, and most recently, the Puerto Rican Sharp-shinned Hawk! She is excited for her first season of fall migration with HawkWatch International and is especially looking forward to exploring Wyoming and getting to know the local wildlife. When Rin is not birding, she can be found hiking, climbing a rock, or making art. Her favorite raptor is the Bearded Vulture because they eat bones and how cool is that?

Jeremiah Sullivan
Originally from Massachusetts, Jeremiah is a graduate of Boise State University and loves nature, history, and the outdoors. Since graduation, he has been engaged in various field jobs, from banding Golden-cheeked Warblers in the Texas Hill Country to surveying for American Goshawks (the best raptor in his opinion!) in the mountains of Utah and California. Jeremiah formerly counted and banded raptors on Lucky Peak in Idaho and is excited to volunteer with HWI this year. In particular, he hopes to get another chance at capturing a Golden Eagle to make up for the one that got away!

Abby Willer
Abby recently graduated from the University of Florida with a B.Sc. in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation with a minor in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. At UF, she assisted with surveying and banding Everglades’ Snail Kite nestlings. This work spurred her interest in raptor ecology, as well as learning more about human-wildlife impacts and mitigation. Abby is most excited to learn this season! She feels like a sponge, ready to soak up all the unique and incredible knowledge that each and every crew member has. Abby also wants to master her “blurry raptor at a distance” ID skills. She enjoys horseback riding, wildlife photography, and looking for birds and herps. Her favorite raptor is the Crested Caracara, which she has been lucky enough to see all summer long while working in South Florida.

If you need help planning your trip or are curious about how the count is going throughout the season, join our “Friends of Commissary Ridge HawkWatch” Facebook group! You can chat directly with our crew and other bird nerds excited about the fall count.
This blog was written by Sammy Riccio, our Communications Manager, as well as our 2024 crewmembers. You can learn more about Sammy here.