In a typical year, our Manzano Mountains HawkWatch sees around 5,000 to 7,000 migrants of around 18 different species. So far, our crew has counted 453 individuals of 18 different species, meaning there are lots more birds coming their way! Turkey Vultures make up the majority of the current count, sitting at 59% of the total count. The migration is starting to heat up, and we are beginning to see the daily flow of raptors increase.
After nearly a month of counting and banding raptors, it is time we introduce you to our 2022 crew! Keep reading to get to know these incredible biologists passionate about protecting raptors and our shared environment.
Taylor Barnes, Crew Lead
Taylor is from central California and received her B.S. in Wildlife Ecology & Conservation from the University of Nevada, Reno. This is her 3rd raptor migration season and second season in the Manzano Mountains. She has previously worked with the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory, HawkWatch International’s American Kestrel Studies, and Spotted Owls in California. In her free time, she enjoys reading, cooking, and spending time with her hairless cat, Marley. She’s most excited to spend another incredible season in New Mexico with a great crew. Her favorite raptor is a Burrowing Owl.

Nora Holmes
Nora is returning for her second season with HawkWatch International, previously counting at Bonney Butte HawkWatch. She graduated with a degree in Biology from Colorado College, and works seasonally as a ski patroller and a Spotted Owl field technician. In her free time, Nora enjoys whitewater rafting, competitive curling, and rereading her favorite books. Her favorite raptor is a Golden Eagle, and she hopes to see some this fall!

Madeline Stoker
Maddy received her B.S. in Biology from UW-La Crosse, then moved to Utah to work with Flammulated Owls. This is her first season with HawkWatch International, and she hopes to see a Gyrfalcon (even if they live really far away…). In her free time, she enjoys getting as lost as possible in the wilderness and looking for Bigfoot. Maddy’s favorite raptor is the Osprey

Emma Riley
Emma graduated from Colorado State University with a Bachelor’s in Wildlife Biology. While in school, she worked on a Ferruginous Hawk platform nesting project that sparked her love and obsession for raptor research. Emma has worked two full migration seasons at Hawk Ridge in Duluth, MN as a count interpreter and Dinosaur Ridge in Morrison, CO, as the first Hawk Counter at the site in 18 years. This is Emma’s first season on an HawkWatch International crew. Emma looks forward to counting and trapping raptors in a new state and spending time with like-minded crew members. In her free time, she likes to hang out with her dog Daphne and two cats, Calvin and Tallulah, travel, and perfect the Hurdy-gurdy with her ska band.

Harrison DuBois
Harrison DuBois is a Central New York native starting his first season with HawkWatch International. He’s still pursuing an undergraduate degree and is fortunate to have the fall off for some fieldwork. The fall migration season will be a great introduction to wildlife biology, adding to his prior dabbling in coastal engineering, environmental remediation, and ecological restoration. In his free time, Harrison loves mountain biking, woodworking, and fishing. He’s stoked to interact with lots of raptors and eat Hatch green chiles in New Mexico this fall!

If you want to chat with our Manzano Mountains crew, join our “Friends of Manzano Mountains HawkWatch” Facebook page. If you are looking for our most current counts or information on how to visit our sites, check out this page on our website.
This blog was written by Sammy Riccio, our Communications Manager, as well as the 2022 Manzano Mountains HawkWatch crewmembers. You can learn more about Sammy here.