You Can Close the Nature Gap

We can’t bring accessible science education into schools without you.

The HWI education team is going back to school, and we are excited to bring our Raptor Ambassadors back into classrooms for in-person programs. This back-to-school season, you can help us close the nature gap. 

This past year has shown us that not every student has the opportunity or ability to experience the natural world firsthand. With your support, we can close the nature gap by offering more students the chance to see raptors up close.

With your donation, you are not just helping bring a bird into a classroom; you are igniting a chain reaction that will amplify from generation to generation. The more people HWI educators and raptors reach, the more gaps we can close.

Make a Donation

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Your Contact Info
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Billing Name and Address
In Honor/Memory of Gift
If you are making this gift in memory or in honor of someone, please list that below: for example "In Memory of John Doe" or "In Honor of Jane Doe". You can also include their address below if you'd like us to send a card to this person letting them know about the gift you made.

Not Ready to Give Right Now?

Join us as a volunteer on one of our community science programs, as a bird docent, or as a remote volunteer.

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