Support the People Behind Raptor Conservation

People Are Our Greatest Asset

There is one thing for sure that we have in excess at HawkWatch International: passionate people. We need our best players in the field to reach our goal of conserving raptors and our shared environment. But, to attract talented and energized employees, we must properly compensate them.

The work cannot be done without our staff who gives so much. It is vital that we invest in the development of the people behind conservation. This year we are:

  • Financially supporting three employees pursuing master’s and Ph.D. programs in raptor biology,
  • Offering a monthly self-care stipend to encourage wellness outside of the office,
  • Increasing our Migration Crew Member stipend by more than 10% and developing a gear replacement library for equipment worn throughout the field season,
  • And fostering professional growth for each employee through Individual Development allowance.

Will you help HWI raise the money to support the people behind raptor conservation? With your donation, you are not just supporting our staff but also ensuring our skies remain filled with raptors soaring overhead.

Support the People Behind Raptor Conservation

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In Honor/Memory of Gift
If you are making this gift in memory or in honor of someone, please list that below: for example "In Memory of John Doe" or "In Honor of Jane Doe". You can also include their address below if you'd like us to send a card to this person letting them know about the gift you made.

Not Ready to Give Right Now?

Join us as a volunteer on one of our community science programs, as a bird docent, or as a remote volunteer.

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