Support the Migration Network

Help Take the Pulse of Raptor Populations

Thanks to the long-term data your support has allowed us to collect at HawkWatch International’s network of migration sites, we know that six species—the American Goshawk, American Kestrel, Northern Harrier, Osprey, Rough-legged Hawk, and Sharp-shinned Hawk—are experiencing notable declines. Can you help us conserve these birds?

According to the latest Raptor Population Index, these six species are vulnerable in over 30% of the states and provinces in North America. We only know this because people like you support long-term monitoring efforts like the HawkWatch International migration network. Your support allows us to take action before it’s too late.

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If you are making this gift in memory or in honor of someone, please list that below: for example "In Memory of John Doe" or "In Honor of Jane Doe". You can also include their address below if you'd like us to send a card to this person letting them know about the gift you made.

Experience the Magic of Migration

HawkWatch International operates the largest single-run standardized network of migration sites in the world. Click below to learn more about the network and plan your visit.

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