Ferruginous Hawk

Ferruginous Away – Migration is on!

Raptor migration is in full swing, and nothing is more exciting than observing thousands of hawks headed toward their wintering grounds (or breeding grounds in the spring).  One North American raptor species we don’t often hear about during migration is the Ferruginous Hawk.  Although a few are observed each season among several of our sites, they […]

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Patagials & Bellybands

A subject came up today regarding dark patagials on Red-tailed Hawks. Almost all Red-tailed Hawks (but not all, some are so faint it isn’t fair to say they have dark patagials) have dark patagials of some sort (see post here: http://jerryliguori.blogspot.com/2013/09/red-tailed-hawk-patagial-marks.html). But did you know that Ferruginous Hawks can show dark patagials? Check out the 2

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