Sherry Liguori has had a long history working on raptor conservation, including as HawkWatch International’s first conservation scientist in 2001. Sherry, along with her husband, Jerry, have partnered with HWI on conservation, education, and migration work, both professionally and personally, for many years. In addition to her work at HWI, Sherry started her career as a biologist for the NJ Endangered and Nongame Species Program, conducting research, conservation, and management of raptors, shorebirds, and songbirds. She has worked for 20 years for Rocky Mountain Power/PacifiCorp, leading the company’s avian protection efforts. She has authored and contributed to numerous publications, including Endangered and Threatened Wildlife of New Jersey and various Avian Power Line Interaction Committee (APLIC) documents related to mitigating bird electrocutions and collisions with power lines. Sherry was the first woman and youngest person to receive APLIC’s Morley Nelson Award for raptor conservation. In addition to serving on the HWI board, she has served on the management board of the Intermountain West Joint Venture for a decade. Sherry’s passion for raptors, other wildlife, and the natural world is not only evident in her work…her hobbies include wildlife photography, bird watching, hiking, jogging, gardening, and ‘weaving’ nature into her quilts and other fiber arts.

Favorite Raptor: American Kestrel
Sherry’s Commitment to Conservation
- Member of the HWI Board Governance Committee
- CARES Volunteer