Volunteer Spotlight: Destinee Lancaster

How long have you been volunteering with HawkWatch International? 

I have been volunteering as an education docent with HawkWatch International for eight months.

How did you get started volunteering with HWI?

I love education and working with animals, so being an education docent seemed like a perfect fit!

What is your “spark bird?”

Bats are what lead me to birds.

What do you do outside of volunteering for HWI?

I’m a mom, a homemaker, and a crafter. 

What is your favorite moment from volunteering?

My favorite moment is when you really connect with someone in the audience during a presentation. As you share your excitement and knowledge on a subject, you can tell they are just excited as you are. 

Why should people care about conserving raptors?

Raptors are part of the world we live in, and it’s our responsibility to take care of this world. If we let birds of prey or any part of our world suffer and disappear, they will not magically come back. Eventually, humanity will suffer for that. 

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