Monthly Giving

Become a Raptor Regular

There’s nothing like watching a raptor soar high in the sky as it makes its way past a remote ridge on migration. Except for the thrill of seeing new life take flight each spring. Or the serenity of watching a Rough-legged Hawk in winter.

Sound like you? Then it might be time to consider becoming a Raptor Regular! Raptor Regulars are actually anything but regular. This is for the nerdiest of the bird nerds. You know that raptors need your help year-round, not just during the fall migration. It’s for those of you who can’t keep yourself away from raptors, no matter the time of the year. You don’t want to miss one (wing) beat.

By becoming a Raptor Regular, you make a monthly gift that has an even greater impact and ensures reliable funding throughout the year.

Thank you for your support! Your generous gift makes raptor research and education a reality.


Each month, you’ll receive an exclusive update on the latest in raptor conservation. Your digest will include:

Links to all HWI blog articles published
Links to new HWI YouTube videos
Links to a roundup of our favorite in raptor conservation news
And most importantly, a message about what your support helped accomplish

You’ll also receive special perks along the way, including a free sticker upon sign-up, exclusive Raptor Regular discount codes, and more!

Ready to become a Raptor Regular? Complete the form with any monthly gift, and you’ll start receiving regular updates right away.

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In Honor/Memory of Gift
If you are making this gift in memory or in honor of someone, please list that below: for example "In Memory of John Doe" or "In Honor of Jane Doe". You can also include their address below if you'd like us to send a card to this person letting them know about the gift you made.

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