Dr. Megan Murgatroyd is an international conservation biologist based in South Africa. Much of her work focuses on understanding and conserving Africa’s largest eagles. With a bachelor’s in Conservation Biology from the University of the West of England, Megan went on to earn her Ph.D. from the University of Cape Town in 2016 for investigating the impacts of land-use change on Verreaux’s Eagles. Since then, she has been using GPS tracking to understand and predict wind turbine collision risk for Verreaux’s Eagles in order to minimise the negative impacts of development on this species. Megan is also researching the causes of decline of Martial Eagles in the Kruger National Park by using monitoring and nest cameras, colour ringing of fledglings, and GPS tracking. Megan works on our international programs throughout Africa and in her free time, you will find her hiking in the mountains or out exploring on her bicycle.

Favorite Raptor: Verreaux’s Eagle
Blogs and Publications by Meg
- Tracking Endangered Black Harriers
- Can Painting Wind Turbines Reduce Eagle Collisions?
- A utilization distribution for the global population of Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres) to guide wind energy development.
- Observations of large-scale diurnal raptor migration in the Horn of Africa.
- A predictive model for improving placement of wind turbines to minimise collision risk potential for a large soaring raptor.