Raptor Ambassador Programs
All Programs Include
- Minimum of 45-minute presentation
- A live Raptor Ambassador
- Trained, knowledgeable educators
- Opportunities to take photos/selfies
- Protective coverings for floors and cleanup
u0022For some schools, it can be difficult to provide students with tangible examples and hands-on lessons that bring their studies to life. HWI offers a solution by bringing programs that are inspired, researched, and engaging to Utah classrooms.u0022
u0022HawkWatch Internationals high school presentations are both engaging and informative. My students have gone on their own time to learn more about raptors in Utah and ways they can help protect them.u0022
u0022It is clear each time the HawkWatch International team visits my classroom that they are passionate about not only inspiring my students but also providing support for me as their teacher.u0022