Celebrate Owl-o-ween with HawkWatch International!

HawkWatch International 2240 S 900 E, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

Whoo’s new at HawkWatch International? Meet our newest Raptor Ambassador, a Barn Owl whoo will be named during an Owl-o-ween celebration on Monday, October 30th, from 6-8pm. This FREE, family-friendly event will feature trick-or-treating for the kids, opportunities for up-close encounters with live owls, and more. Costumes are highly recommended! And for those whoo want […]

Wild Earth Market

Evo Campus 660 S 400 W, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

Join us at the Evo Campus in Salt Lake City for an artisan market featuring makers inspired by the natural world. 10% of proceeds will be donated to HawkWatch International in support of our work conserving raptors. Come out and shop local! We will also be selling our merchandise in person, so if you want […]


Wings Across the West …of Africa!

The Monarch Venues 455 25th St Suite 301, Ogden, United States

In the bustling fetish markets of Benin, the Critically Endangered Hooded Vulture is sold for belief-based practices, where animal parts or talismans are thought to cure illnesses or bring good fortune. This is especially concerning considering the species is disappearing across most of Africa. It’s something that researcher Abiola Chaffra became aware of as a […]

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