The Jerry Liguori Raptor Conservation and Education Scholarship

Honoring Jerry’s Legacy

There are no words to express how we miss our friend and mentor, Jerry Liguori. Although he requested that no one publicly memorialize him, he passed, Jerry and his wife Sherry worked with us to create a way to honor his legacy—the Jerry Liguori Raptor Conservation and Education Scholarship.

We all wish we had more time with Jerry, but we feel honored and privileged to have learned from him and grateful to have called him a friend. His friendship is one of our greatest treasures, and we will continue to share the lessons he taught us with others, keeping his memory and legacy alive for future generations of raptor lovers!

Make a Gift in Memory of Jerry Liguori

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In Honor/Memory of Gift
If you are making this gift in memory or in honor of someone, please list that below: for example "In Memory of John Doe" or "In Honor of Jane Doe". You can also include their address below if you'd like us to send a card to this person letting them know about the gift you made.

Guides by Jerry

You can learn straight from the expert himself from his seminal works such as Hawks at a Distance and The In-hand Guide to Diurnal North American Raptors

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