About the Program
Black Harriers are southern Africa’s rarest endemic raptor. The global population is estimated to number less than 1,400 individuals of this Endangered species, and their numbers are declining. The species is now facing a new threat from the rapidly growing wind energy sector in South Africa. Black Harriers are being killed by collisions with wind turbines at a rate that is sufficient to cause their extinction. If nothing is done about this conflict, we can expect to witness the extinction of the species within our lives. This project aims to avert such a disaster. We are GPS-tracking Black Harriers to analyze their flight behavior and habitat use in order to inform suitable mitigation and avoid unnecessary mortalities of this species. We aim to produce risk maps, informed by topography, land cover, and locations of nests, to predict collision risk across the landscape. This information can be used by developers and governments in the planning stage of new wind energy developments to avoid building turbines in locations that pose a high risk of mortality to Black Harriers, thereby helping to avert their extinction.