Bald Eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus


Haliae is an adult Bald Eagle that came to HawkWatch in 2017. At that time, she had her juvenile plumage, meaning she was under five years old. Haliae was found in Alaska with a wing injury that never fully healed despite the efforts of a dedicated wildlife rehabilitator. Haliae is by far HawkWatch’s largest bird, weighing in at over 12 lbs! She is still learning how to be a raptor ambassador but often joins virtual and outdoor programs. Haliae’s name comes from her scientific name, “Haliaeetus.”

A Fun Fact about Haliae

Halie can eat a two-pound fish in less than three minutes!

Sponsor Haliae

Thanks to your support, Haliae can reach over 10,000 people each with a message of conservation. But all that education works up quite the appetite. Want to help Haliae reach her goals?

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