Dr. Jordan Herman joined HawkWatch in March 2021. Her work is primarily focused on Golden Eagle conservation, such as studying the factors that influence Golden Eagle strikes with vehicles and wind turbines, as well as assessing the impact of these strikes. In addition, she contributes to the long-term monitoring of Golden Eagle reproductive success in Utah. Jordan also collaborates closely with BLM partners on initiatives such as Mexican Spotted Owl surveys, trapping and tracking Common Ravens near Greater Sage-grouse leks, and raptor nest surveying and monitoring in priority habitat management areas.
Jordan received her B.S. in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior from the University of Minnesota. She then worked as a field biologist on a variety of avian research projects worldwide, including studying the effects of an introduced parasite on endemic birds in the Galapagos Islands, the effects of native nest flies on bird hosts in Tobago, mating and social systems of Band-backed Wrens in Costa Rica, and the costs and benefits of coloniality in Cliff Swallows in Nebraska. Jordan’s Ph.D. research at the University of Utah focused on studying how nest flies, brood parasites, and predators influence the reproductive success of Chalk-browed Mockingbirds in Argentina. More recently, she studied the anti-parasite behavior of American Kestrels as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Utah.
As a trained science communicator, Jordan combines research with science outreach and public engagement. She has developed a number of public engagement projects both locally and abroad and is excited to work alongside the HWI education and outreach team to spread awareness about raptors and raptor conservation!
In Jordan’s personal life, she is a budding gardener and a devoted aviculturist to her two northern bobwhites: Tako and Tuna, and to her three chickens: Penguin (a Brahma), Dotty (a Wyandotte), and Jerry (an Easter Egger). She loves rockhounding and exploring all of Utah’s ecoregions on foot. She also enjoys building big art with her partner, Joey, and her community of friends in Salt Lake City.

Favorite Raptor: Western Screech-owl